Monday, December 27, 2010

A long time coming...

It has been almost 16 months since I last posted, and probably 5 months since I have even thought of this site. I honestly cannot believe it has been that long. The time just flew by. I had initially intended to post every so, but after the wedding, and then the honeymoon, we got down to the business of living as husband and wife. I’m sure many readers know that is not always the easiest of transitions. So, weeks turned into months and then a year. Lately, I have been reflecting on the last 16 months. There are a few reasons I have been looking back, but I digress…

Originally, when we sent the ‘save the date’ magnet, we listed this blog as our web site, just to notify folks about the wedding. On the blog, we listed where we were registered, information on our reception and our email addresses in case anyone had questions. I have a rough idea how many people visited our site, but I had failed to realize how many people had our ‘save the date’ magnets. This past Christmas holiday, we made the rounds to friends and families homes and I noticed that everyone still had that ‘save the date’ magnet on there refrigerators. So, I still think this blog still has some value, since the website is still on all of your refrigerators after almost 2 years!

I guess blogging has become passé' and has given way to Facebook and Twitter. Jos has a Facebook account and posts from time to time. I do not and I think it may be a generational thing. I feel with a blog, you can think about what you write before you post, whereas, with facebook and twitter, it is more reactionary and instantaneous. The down side is that anyone can read it so you need to be mindful of that and edit yourself accordingly.

So, when I got the renewal notice to re-up the URL, I decided, why not? I logged on today and changed the format and typed this up. Perhaps I will update the blog at some point in the next 16 months. ;)
